Course Details - Clinical Research Methodology in a Nutshell
Key Facts
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View locations and dates- Edinburgh - RCSEd
- Edinburgh - RCSEd
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From £120 - View more information below - Can I book online?
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Yes, 6 - Course/Event group: Surgical Course | See more Surgical Courses
Surgical team members need to be research literate in order to design and appraise quality improvement programmes, critically appraise research outputs and, in some cases, design clinical studies or even trials. This course also alerts delegates to the investigational possibilities of patient engagement and of routinely collated national datasets. Acquired skills also comprise part of CCT requirements in most surgical specialities.
Course Tutors to include: -
- Mr Alexander Laird PhD FRCSEd(Urol), Consultant Urological Surgeon and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh and Western General Hospital
- Dr Paula Leslie FRCSLT (UK) & CCC-SLP (USA), Reg HCPC. Member American Society for Bioethics & Humanities. RCSLT Professional Advisor; Center for Biethics & Health Law, University of Pittsburgh, Affiliated Faculty
- Dr. Holly Tibble, PhD. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Informatics, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Target Audience
Trainees of all grades; SAS doctors; Allied Health Professionals; Consultants.
Learning Style
The emphasis is on interactive and group work interspersed with concise expert talks. Pre-course work is required.
Aims & Objectives
To deliver:
- an understanding of the principles of research methodology to critically appraise the literature and practice evidence based medicine
- the basic principles and tools to develop their own research / QI project
Learning Outcomes
By attending this course, you will gain the core skills of research designs and methods. You will be able to: - identifying a feasible research question - Demonstrate an understanding of clinical research design and quality improvement audits (Service improvement, Service evaluation etc). - Confidently collect and understand the principles of data collection (prospective, retrospective), current data protection and GDPR guidelines. - Demonstrate understanding of ethical process, funding streams, access to national databases - Appreciate the vital importance of patient engagement. - Acquire the rudiments of data analysis and interpretation. - Understand the key elements of a successful abstract and commonly used reference management software program to use the endnote and other referencing programmes.
Cancellation Policy
Please ensure you read our cancellation policy before booking. For our full terms and conditions regarding our cancellation policy, please view our Cancellation Policy which is available on the tab above.
Additional Information
Pre-course requirements:
- Acquire online or equivalent GCP certificate
- Ensure any local mandatory clinical data protection / GDPR training up to date
- Identify a topic area you might be interested to explore in future with research or QI
- Identify a piece of informal research (not necessarily medical) from written news / other media – eg investigative TV journalism
- Find out what your local Trust; Trials Unit or regional PPI group hub comprises
- Study the two quantitative and qualitative papers circulated
Frequently Asked Questions
Associated Documents
Additional Information
Pre-course requirements:
- Acquire online or equivalent GCP certificate
- Ensure any local mandatory clinical data protection / GDPR training up to date
- Identify a topic area you might be interested to explore in future with research or QI
- Identify a piece of informal research (not necessarily medical) from written news / other media – eg investigative TV journalism
- Find out what your local Trust; Trials Unit or regional PPI group hub comprises
- Study the two quantitative and qualitative papers circulated
Get in touch
If you have any questions about this course, please contact us and a member of our Education team will be happy to help you.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Education Section
Phone: +44 (0)131 527 1600
Fax: +44 (0)131 557 6406