Exam Details - Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (DRTM)
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The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
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Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (DRTM)
The Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (DRTM) exam is for all medical and allied healthcare professionals active in the field of Retrieval and Transfer Medicine.
The exam focuses mainly on the retrieval of adult patients from one health care facility to another. Candidates will be expected to be competent in the assessment, management, triage and transfer of adult patients with a range of illnesses and injuries. A knowledge and understanding of retrieval co-ordination and a variety of land and air transport platforms will also be expected.
Exam Benefits
- Formalise your transfer and retrieval experience with a qualification
- Opportunity to demonstrate your competence in the assessment, management, triage and transfer of adult patients with a range of illnesses and injuries
Exam Format
The Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine examination will consist of two parts:
- Part A
This is a written paper of 180 minutes duration consisting of up to 180 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions.
- Part B
This is an Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) consisting of up to 16 testing stations. A “standard” OSPE station will be of eight minutes duration, but there is the possibility that a small number of stations will be “double stations”, lasting 16 minutes.
Exam Eligibility
- Candidates must be fully registered doctors, nurses, paramedics, or other practitioners. In the United Kingdom registration must be with the General Medical Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council or the Health and Care Professions Council. For candidates based outside the UK, evidence of registration with the relevant regulatory professional body is required.
Required Experience
- Candidates must have worked in their registered profession for at least 24 months full time (or part-time equivalent) at the time of application to sit the examination.
- Candidates must have experience in prehospital and/or retrieval medicine including the transport of critically ill patients.
- Experience gained must be six months full time or 12 months part-time. Part-time experience must demonstrate regular commitment.
- Candidates who are within a relevant programme of training may apply at an earlier stage in order to sit the exam in the diet that is most appropriate to their overall training needs. However, it is expected that this experience will be a minimum of three months full time at the time of sitting the exam.
- Experience must have been gained within the past five years.
- Candidates must provide a letter of support from their clinical supervisor or equivalent, attesting to their experience.
Candidates are permitted four attempts in which to pass the examination.
Additional Information
Before applying for this exam, please ensure you have read and understood the relevant documentation.
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