Exam Details - Intercollegiate MRCS Part B - OSCE
Key Facts
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Intercollegiate MRCS Part B - OSCE
The Intercollegiate MRCS Part B (OSCE) integrates basic surgical scientific knowledge and its application to clinical surgery. Its purpose is to build on the test of knowledge in Part A and assess how this is applied in clinically appropriate contexts. This is done through a series of stations reflecting elements of day-to-day clinical practice.
Membership of the College
By choosing to sit your MRCS Part B exam at RCSEd, you will be joining our membership network of approximately 30,000 professionals in over 100 countries worldwide. As well as joining a College renowned for its friendliness and approachability, the College offers a wide range of membership services to support you through every step in your career and professional development.
Exam Benefits
Pass both parts of the MRCS exam to prove that you possesses the correct knowledge, skills and attributes to complete basic training and to progress to higher levels of specialist surgical training.
Exam Format
The Intercollegiate MRCS Part B is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The exam consists of twenty stations, each lasting ten minutes. There are eighteen examining stations and two preparation stations. Candidates are given a one-minute reading time in which there are clearly defined instructions, briefly outlining the scenario and describing the task.
The stations are divided into two broad components:
- Applied Knowledge - consisting of anatomy, surgical pathology, applied surgical science and critical care
- Applied Skills - consisting of communication skills in giving and receiving information, history taking and clinical & procedural skills
Candidates must pass both the knowledge and skills components to pass Part B.
Exam Eligibility
Candidates must have passed the Intercollegiate MRCS Part A exam to be eligible to apply for Part B.
They must hold a medical qualification that is acceptable to the UK General Medical Council for Full or Provisional Registration or to the Medical Council in Ireland for Full or Temporary Registration. Overseas candidates must hold a medical qualification acceptable to the Councils of the colleges.
First-time applicants whose names do not appear on the Registers of the UK General Medical Council or Medical Council in Ireland must submit their original certificate (or an authenticated copy) of a medical qualification acceptable to the Councils of the four Colleges.
Full details can be found in the Intercollegiate MRCS Regulations document.
Candidates have 4 attempts in which to pass their Intercollegiate MRCS Part B OSCE and must successfully complete this within seven years of passing their Intercollegiate MRCS Part A or MRCS Parts 1 and 2.
Additional Information
Before applying for this exam, please ensure you have read and understood the relevant documentation.
Our Exam Policies and Procedures page will provide you with more general information about sitting an exam at the College.