Exam Details - Tri-Collegiate Membership in Paediatric Dentistry
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- Tri-Collegiate Membership in Paediatric Dentistry
- 22 September 2025 BOOK NOW
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Tri-Collegiate Membership in Paediatric Dentistry
The Diploma of Membership in Paediatric Dentistry is intended to test the candidate’s knowledge, skills and attitude relevant to the practice of a Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry. This exam is Tri-Collegiate and it is run jointly between the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Candidates should be aware that attaining the award of the Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry does not confer eligibility for the UK Specialist List for Paediatric Dentistry.
Exam Benefits
- Passing this exam allows candidates to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and attitude relevant to the practice of a Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry
- Successful candidates will be granted Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the relevant College (on payment of such election fee and annual subscription)
Exam Format
The Diploma of Membership in Paediatric Dentistry consists of three components.
- Written Paper
A multiple-choice question paper (MCQ) in 2 parts, each of 2 hours duration, and each consisting of 90 Single Best Answer (SBA) Questions.
- Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
There will be six stations, each having 3 minutes of reading time and 10 minutes of observed activity. The OSCE assesses the ability of the candidate to communicate in different clinical situations. We have a video example of the new format for the OSCE station, watch here.
- Unseen Cases
This will consist of eight unseen cases in a clinical scenario format. For each case, the candidate will be given 10 minutes to study the patient history, results of examination and where appropriate, investigations. The structured oral examination relating to each case will last for 15 minutes.
How to Apply
The administration for this exam is handled by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and all applications and fees should be sent directly to RCSEd regardless of which College/s a candidate may wish to affiliate with. Candidates should clearly indicate on the application form which College they wish to affiliate to, upon passing the exam.
Exam Eligibility
To be eligible to enter for the Diploma examination, all candidates must:
- Provide certified evidence of possession of a primary dental qualification that is acceptable to the Colleges.
- Have completed 24 months of full-time or equivalent part-time training acceptable to the Colleges by the date of the examination. The training should preferably be continuous but in some cases breaks in training may be permitted. The total training period should not normally exceed six years.
Prospective candidates must also fulfill one or more of the following criteria:
- Have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the examination, a minimum of 24 months of a full-time three year training appointment (or part-time equivalent) in a UK training programme as a stipendiary StR who has been awarded a training number.
- A university Masters or Clinical Doctorate degree programme which parallels the training programme completed by an StR i.e. have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the examination, a minimum of 24 months of a full-time three year training appointment (or part-time equivalent)
- Have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the examination, a minimum of 24 months of a full-time three year specialist training appointment (or part-time equivalent) overseas or in the EEA, which has been considered and found to be acceptable to the Colleges.
- Be registered as a Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry in the UK.
If candidates wish to apply under 2 or 3 for entry to the examination, they should submit their portfolio of evidence.
Full details about the eligibility requirements can be found here.
Candidates will be permitted a maximum of four attempts at the examination.
Additional Information
Before applying for this exam, please ensure you have read and understood the relevant documentation.
Our Exam Policies and Procedures page will provide you with more general information about sitting an exam at the College.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are currently no Frequently Asked Questions associated with this exam. If you would like more information please contact us.
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