Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations Conversion FAQs


The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has been working together with our sister Colleges to introduce an intercollegiate approach to assessment at Fellowship level. This covers 10 specialties, supporting trainees to demonstrate specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities and will go live in September 2026.

The College is offering all successful candidates of the Dental Specialty Membership Examination since January 2020, the opportunity to convert their Membership with us to Fellowship.

For further information on this Intercollegiate partnership please visit the Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations website here.

The Process

Apply here.

The application process will ask you to verify the details we hold on your account.

Our membership Team will process the application, and you will be sent a payment link of £65.00 for the election fee and any difference in subscription rates. Please review our rates here.

If you have already paid your subscription for 2025 you will only be invoiced for the difference, if there is one.

Please note that by moving from Member to Fellow, you are only required to pay one subscription fee. The Fellowship fee would apply.

Once the payment/s is settled, you’ll be petitioned for election as a Fellow. We hold elections on the 15th of each month. Please note that the deadline for each election is the first of the month. Any applications submitted after the 1st will be petitioned for election the following month.

All elected Fellows will receive a welcome letter, digital diploma and a verification letter on or around the 15th of the month via email.

We will create your diploma, which will be signed by the Dean, President and Honorary Secretary.

*We are likely to experience a high volume of applications during the initial period of going live with our communications*


As part of the application process, you will be asked if you wish to attend a ceremony and receive your diploma. Our Ceremonial team will be in touch with all Fellows that wish to attend, via email, shortly after the election.

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