Faculty of Dental Trainers

The Faculty of Dental Trainers is pleased to present a series of webinars aimed at members of the FDT and those with an interest in dental education.

Topic Date Broadcast
Introducing a tool for Dental Nurses to observe non-technical skills (DNOT) 22nd May 2024
Introducing Entrustable Professional Activities into the Under-Graduate Curriculum 28th November 2023
Quality Assurance in Dental Education 5th September 2023
Webinars – can they change clinical practice? 24th May 2023
Simulation for medical emergency teaching – as good as it gets? 22nd February 2023
FDT Annual Meeting 2021 – Using simulation for dental training during the COVID-19 Pandemic 16th November 2021

The archived webinar recordings are a RCSEd member benefit resource for all Fellows, Members and Affiliates.

Please contact the e-learning team at webinars@rcsed.ac.uk if you have any issues accessing these resources.

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