Specialist Clinical Updates for everyday Orthopaedic practice

Providing a contemporary Trauma and Orthopaedic clinical service can be challenging in the face of increasing specialisation. This series of webinars brings expert and renowned sub-specialists together to describe, update and discuss some of the conditions and problems that frequently present in a general Orthopaedic or MSK practice. Designed specifically for surgeons and MSK clinicians at all stages of their careers, this webinar series includes highly relevant topics that will resonate with both experienced and trainee surgeons as well as clinicians working in Sport & Exercise Medicine and MSK Physiotherapy.

Topic Date Broadcast
Assessment and management of ankle ligament injuries 3rd February 2025
Acute dislocation and instability of the shoulder 5th March 2025, 19:00 to 20:00 GMT

The archived webinar recordings are a RCSEd member benefit resource for all Fellows, Members and Affiliates.

Please contact the e-learning team at webinars@rcsed.ac.uk if you have any issues accessing these resources.

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